Insurance Policy

Effective Date: November 16, 2023

Thank you for choosing Aqua Finch for your telemedicine needs. To ensure transparency and clarify our stance on insurance coverage, we have developed this comprehensive Insurance Coverage Policy. Please review the following details to understand how insurance applies to your telemedicine services with Aqua Finch.

  1. Insurance Coverage Overview

1.1 Scope: Aqua Finch’s telemedicine services are designed to complement traditional in-person healthcare, providing an accessible and convenient means of accessing medical advice. While many insurance plans cover telemedicine, coverage specifics vary, and it is the responsibility of users to understand their insurance policies.

1.2 Provider Networks: Aqua Finch connects users with licensed healthcare professionals who may or may not be within your insurance provider’s network. It is advisable to check with your insurance provider to determine the coverage for services rendered by healthcare professionals outside your network.

  1. Verification of Insurance Coverage

2.1 User Responsibility: It is the user’s responsibility to verify telemedicine coverage with their insurance provider before engaging with Aqua Finch’s services. Contact your insurance provider to inquire about the extent of coverage for telemedicine consultations, including any applicable copayments or deductibles.

2.2 Insurance Information: Users may be required to provide their insurance information during the registration process. Aqua Finch will not bill your insurance directly, and users are responsible for submitting claims to their insurance providers.

2.3 Aqua Finch Submission (if feasible): In certain cases, Aqua Finch may, at its discretion, attempt to submit insurance claims on behalf of users if it is deemed feasible. However, users remain responsible for verifying the submission and ensuring compliance with their insurance provider’s policies.

  1. Insurance Billing Process

3.1 Self-Submission: Users must submit claims to their insurance providers for reimbursement. Aqua Finch will provide users with a detailed invoice upon request, including the necessary information required for insurance claims.

3.2 Coding and Documentation: Users are responsible for ensuring that the appropriate billing codes and documentation required by their insurance provider are included in their claim submissions.

  1. Insurance Reimbursement

4.1 User Responsibility: Users are responsible for following up with their insurance providers to track the status of their claims and to ensure timely reimbursement.

4.2 Reimbursement Limits: Insurance reimbursement limits, if any, are determined by the user’s insurance policy. Users should be aware of any limitations on the number of telemedicine consultations covered within a specific timeframe.

  1. Non-Covered Services

5.1 User Acknowledgment: Users acknowledge that some insurance plans may not cover telemedicine services. In such cases, users are responsible for the full cost of the services provided by Aqua Finch.

5.2 Billing Disputes: If users encounter billing disputes with their insurance providers, Aqua Finch is available to provide any necessary documentation or information to support the user’s case.

  1. Changes to Insurance Coverage Policy

6.1 Notification: Aqua Finch reserves the right to modify this Insurance Coverage Policy. Users will be notified of any changes, and the revised policy will be made available on our website.

  1. Contact Us

7.1 Customer Support: For questions, concerns, or further clarification on our Insurance Coverage Policy, please contact Aqua Finch’s customer support at [].

By engaging with Aqua Finch’s Services, you acknowledge that you have thoroughly read, comprehended, and willingly agreed to abide by the terms outlined in this comprehensive Insurance Coverage Policy. We appreciate your attention to these details and are here to assist you in navigating insurance-related matters associated with your telemedicine experience.